Active Autism will collaborate with you to identify problems and solutions, improve communication and team-building, and explore new perceptions to long-term challenges.
Outreach Consultation​
Active Autism are pleased to provide our UK based outreach consultation across the globe.​

This service is currently being offered to schools, autism units and home programs. However, due to the high demand places may sometimes becomes limited.

The Locations that we currently and have previously served on a regular basis are:

- West London
- South London
- Middle East (Beirut, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar)

Active Autism is happy to provide our dedicated consultation services across the UK, as well as overseas if requested.
We offer a very eclectic consultation Approach, in order to ensure that we are able to meet individual family requirements.

Mild Challenging Behaviour Package
(1 Person Intensive)
- Family/ school/ nursery etc trained in the basic principles of NLP for Autism- A.T.T.A.R ethos incorporating some other behavioural sciences.
- Data analysis and observations in situ
- Function based mini Behaviour Support Plan
- Functional Communication
- Functionally equivalent alternative behaviours
Moderate Challenging Behaviour
(2 person intensive)​
- Family/ school/ nursery etc trained in the basic principles of NLP for Autism
- A.T.T.A.R ethos incorporating some other behavioural sciences.
- Functional Behaviour Assessment
- Data analysis and observations across settings/ people
- Function based Behaviour Support Plan
- Functional Communication
- Functionally equivalent alternative behaviours